Encyclopedia Britannica may have ended its print run, but the MMORPG community is ripe with the desire for physical distribution of in-game knowledge. Never being one to miss a cross-marketing opportunity – no matter how stupid it may be – LucasArts and DK Adult are preparing to unleash a “definitive guide to the epic conflict” that is Star Wars: The Old Republic.
The 352-page hardcover encyclopedia covers everything a gamer, subscription or free-to-play, could need to know. From historical events, classes, important NPCs, races, planets, weaponry and more. The tome wasn’t farmed out either. Several members of the MMORPG’s writing team are responsible for producing the galactic compilation.
Dedicated Lore Hounds and roleplayers should not pass up on pre-ordering Star Wars: The Old Republic: Encyclopedia. The book will be available October 15, 2012, and is likely to become a collector’s item. One that will only set you back $26.40. If you still need convincing, check out the trailer after the jump.
Yes, the book has a freaking trailer.