Via DarthHater we have a new video of the Star Wars: The Old Republic Alderaan PvP Warzone featuring the Sith Sorcerer class, actually almost everyone in the video is either Sith or Jedi.
Pretty basic PvP, there’s multiple points on the map that each team is trying to control where the winning team is the one that is able to hold the points for the longest amount of time.
However one bit of interest is the way the death system works in warzones. There’s no death timer, so players instantly re-spawn in their starting location where they jump onto a speeder bike and fly back into action, giving them a birds eye view of the battlefield before landing and rejoining their team.
Check out the SWTOR Alderaan PvP warzone video below.
I was exicited about this when I first heard SWTOR was being made, but the more i see of it the more it feels like the standard fare.
Is it just me or does it all seem a bit bland and usual. I havent seen anything yet that makes this game stand out, grab me and make me feel like I have to play it – maybe im biased, being unfair and am not giving it a chance, but for me atm Guild Wars 2 is getting my money. Whats the feeling of everyone else?
I think the pvp part of the game might have been an after thought. Honestly I am just looking forward to the pve side of things.