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For those who aren’t into the MMO racing scene (yet), Tales Runner is an exhilarating competitive racing MMO, set in a vibrant and bubbly world. The mood is jubilant while the worlds are fantastical; in short, this is a great game for the little ones (or those who simply enjoy the prospect of racing in a persistent online world).
Head on over to the giveaway page here at MMOCrunch to snag your very own Golden Pig! What benefits do these pigs bring? Ah, let me count the ways…
- Invincible in the beginning of each race
- Electric Resistance +20%
- TR +10
- (In the Chick Channel) TR +40
The folks over at gPotato have put up 1,000 (one thousand) little piggies for adoption, and its up to us to find them a home! If you’re interested in trying Tales Runner, jump on over to the official site and sign up! Jump past the cut for further instructions…
Here’s what to do after you’ve secured your Golden Pig:
How to Redeem your Coupon Key:
1. Create or Login to your gPotato account.
2. Go to the key redemption page: Gift Key Redemption
3. Click on the “Redeem Here” button.
4. Input your exclusive key when prompted and click the Submit button.
5. Log into Tales Runner and go to My Room -> Giftbox to get your gifts.
i need golden big plaz and i want kai
im in joing