Wargaming.net on Wargaming Seattle

Chris "The Hoarder" Taylor

Wargaming.net, maker of F2P strategy titles such as World of Tanks, World of Warplanes and World of Battleships, has been on a buying spree lately. First a middleware company, then snapping up Day 1 Studios to expedite its entry into the console market. It’s most recent purchase was that of Gas Powered Games, the Seattle-based studio that hinged its future on the Kickstarter project Wildman, which failed to meet its funding goal. The mid-February deal in the books, Wargaming.net still hasn’t divulged exactly what Wargaming Seattle will be working on.

But the meeting of the minds has happened. Senior Producer Chris Keeling recently visited the offices of the new studio, absorbing the reinvigorated developer’s positive vibes. Keeling refrains from discussing specifics, but acknowledges that the visions of Chris Taylor and Wargaming are on the same page; bringing fun, innovative ideas to the F2P genre.

Perhaps most interesting is Taylor’s expectations of the purchase. With the firm’s administration being handled by the parent company – a round of hiring is expected – Taylor can return his entire focus to what he does best, game design.


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