Today’s episode of Lore Cast is a mild spoiler kind. Mordil and Beararms are accompanied today by none other than Mrs. Mordil herself, as Sephalon. The majority of the conversation is of Star Wars: The Old Republic and what we’ve been doing, so it counts for today and Wednesday’s episode.
Note: Mordil was getting ahead of himself and spoke incorrectly during the video. It IS indeed, episode 5, and not 6.
Enjoy! As always, the agenda of the conversation is down below the jump.
- RIFT / Trio Worlds Database Compromise
- MMOGs of 2012 – our pick of the batch for 2012
- Lore Hound Official SW:TOR Republic-side Guild: <Council of Lorekeepers> on the Wound in the Force server
World of Warcraft:
- BattleTags – XBox Live’s Gamer Tag system for Blizzard!
- World First of Deathwing done by KIN – A Korean guild
Lord of the Rings Online:
- Update 5: Armies of Isengard – Instance Finder (LFD?) and further story
- Beta to start this month
- Newsletter #6, new screenshots, information
- Beta to start in the coming months?
- What have we been up to in SW:TOR? What are our likes / dislikes of the game, or have we encountered any bugs?