Lore Hound LiveCast Episode 3: Spreading The Love

Ready to fill your starving MMO news feed, the Live Cast is back with episode 3 to cover the past few months of gaming news. Tune in here (or our FaceBook page, or our Livestream page) at 11 a.m. PST (2 p.m. EST).

Below the  video embed is the agenda we have planned, but always keep in mind that what we discuss may be 100% different from what’s planned – according to what you, the viewers, decide. See you then!

Whatcha Been Playin?

Kyle: World of Warcraft, Mafia 2, Dungeons and Dragons (Pathfinder), Dragon Age 2, Magic: The Gathering, Lord of the Rings Online, Crisis 2

Nathan: World of Warcraft, Shakes and Fidget, Battlestar Galactica Online(BSGO), Dead Frontier


  • Minecraft update includes weather(snow, thunder, rain), statistics, achievements, booster rails, detector rail, and performance improvements

World of Warcraft

  • 4.1 impressions
  • Feelings on Zandalari Tribe themed patch
  • Overall playerbase feelings of Cataclysm

Starcraft II

  • Season 2 is live (Mordil is still in the Bronze League — make fun of him!)
  • New achievements added for Blizzard-made Custom Maps (Left2Die, Auir Chef, and Starjeweled)

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Trek Online

  • TOS Bundle released in C-Store
  • Advanced Escort Triple-Vector Assault Mode
  • The Foundry is live
  • New Oberth Federation Science Vessel

Lord of the Rings Online

  • Update 2: Echoes of the Dead released
  • Happy 4th Birthday, LotRO!

Tribal Wars

  • World 56 started – “No Farming” World protects you and others from being attacked and resources being plundered
  • Grepolis 2.0 – Greek version “Age of Mythology”-esk game played like Tribal Wars

Global Agenda

  • Now 100% Free-To-Play – bonuses to those who pay a 1-time fee

Fallen Earth

  • v1.8 hit servers 3rd week of March
  • Alpha County is prepping for launch, and bugs are just being ironed out
  • New companion pet in the store, Trashy the Hermit Crab


  • With 4.1 just released on Tuesday, is there really enough beef to draw back in the majority of players who got “bored” and moved on to other things, such as RIFT?
  • We’re now 5 months into the expansion, are we really happy how things are going, and what are our plans for the next few months in WoW?
  • Wii 2 “Refit” is rumored to be announced at E3 this year (Mordil was right, if it does happen). Do we feel that the planned updates are needed to make it a more “serious” gaming console, or is it just another marketing ploy by Nintendo to keep customers interested now that both the PS3 and 360 offer motion controls?


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