Lorecast Episode 29 is hosted by Patrick Mulhern, featuring Cavin Smith and Nathan Harris. As the last show before the launch of a certain highly-anticipated expansion, most of it is spent jawing about World of Warcraft, including impressions of a post-Shattering Azeroth, Blizzard’s (allegedly) leaked product slate, and how we’re gearing up for release day, itself.
[audio:http://blip.tv/file/get/Plodcast-LorecastEpisode29TaiwanGetsPaulSams311.mp3]Show notes after the break!
Opening Remarks
- World of Wacraft’s 6th Anniversary (Log-in After Nov. 30th for a free achievement!)
- Need 100 grand? Turbine’s Got Your Back
Whatcha Been Playing?
- Amatera: World of Warcraft, Steam Sale Games, Super Meat Boy
- iTZKooPA: Dragon Quest IX, Castlevania: Lord of Shadow, World of Warcraft
- Mordil: World of Warcraft, Vindictus
World of Warcraft Major News
- Impressions of “The Shattering”
- Leaked Blizzard Product Slate
Lightning Lore
- Darkmoon Faire “Fortune Awaits” Promotion Fully Unlocked
- Blizzcast 15 Released
- Dungeon Quest Experience Nerfed
- First Issue of “Curse of the Worgen” Comic Now Available
- Moonkin Hatchling and Lil’ Ragnaros Released
- Official Blizzard Cataclysm Release Events (Check for your region!)
Discussion Topic
- What are you launch day plans for Cataclysm? Going to a midnight launch? Stay up all night afterwards? Take time off of work? What are you going to do or where are you going to go first?
- Blizzard Poll: Which Level 80-82 zone will you visit first?