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Hey, I Know This Place!

April 8, 2008 LHStaff 0

From Starwars Galaxies to Lord of the Rings Online, MMORPGs have allowed players to visit and explore some of the most famous fictional locations every created. MMORPGs created from an […]

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LOTRO: Book 12 is Upon Us

February 12, 2008 LHStaff 0

Getting back into LOTRO about 2 weeks ago, I’ve been looking torwards to the next bid game update, Book 12. Aside from the usual bug fixes, new quests and character […]

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Why Console MMORPGs Can't Cut It

February 8, 2008 LHStaff 40

Yesterday, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata stated that there would be no MMORPGs on the Wii. This got me to thinking about why there aren’t many MMORPGs on consoles, they definitely […]