Exclusive WildStar DevChat with Chad Moore Today via Twitch (Video)

Oh, do we ever have the hook up for you today. At 5:00 PM EST/2:00 PM PST we’ll be speaking with Carbine Studios Creative Director Chad Moore on the finer points of WildStar. Everything from lore to development to the bombastic statements recently made by Carbine Studios will be open for discussion. Perhaps there will be some lawlz involved. Who knows.

Heck, we hope you’ll join the livestream and aid us in formulating questions. Simply get on our Twitch.TV channel when the call starts and fire away. The most poignant questions will be picked up for discussion. If you can’t make it and have a burning query, please leave it in the comments section of this post.

If you’re just getting caught up on the world of Nexus, WildStar went into open beta late last week and will remain free to access for a few more days. After that, it goes dark until the June launch date. All the flavor of the game is available in our launch day post.

Watch live video from LoreHound on TwitchTV