Latest Marvel Heroes Patch Launches PvP, Teases Gambit

Marvel Heroes has expanded its repertoire once again. Patch 2.0 was released only a few weeks ago, but that hasn’t stopped Gazillion. As the largest patch for the dungeon crawler, that massive update included the new Asgard zone in tandem with the release of the second Thor movie. Now it has been followed by the incremental v2.02 with a feature many have been waiting for, PvP.

The Fire & Ice game mode pits two teams of five super folk against each other. The teams are tasked with defending their giants while attempting to assault the opposing force’s. During the match, players are rewarded with Runestones for defeating enemies and their giants. These Runestones are utilized during the match to purchase offensive and defensive buffs and other modifiers. Upon completion, players are rewarded with experience, credits and other items based upon their skill.

More important are the Asgardian Crowns. This new currency is awarded to PvPers and is used to purchase a new tier of items dedicated to PvP.

Read the full patch notes here.