First off, I’d like to apologize for the lack of posts, or the infrequency of videos, with a video & a post mixed together!
Second off, I’m going to show the video (after the video, hit the jump to see the rest of the post:
After you head to the website and sign up, you can then download our Texture Pack here (SD) or here (HD).
Now for the meat and bones of the post; we’re almost done with the server. As shown in the video on the news post on the website, we’re about 60-70% done. More videos will be available soon showing all the things we’ve worked on, and you’ll see how far we’ve come. Brestan City (my capital city) is practically done, along with Qairon City (Sephalon’s capital city). We’re finishing up Morgin City (secondary city to Qairon), and should start moving on to Val’garn City.
What? You don’t know all the cities, or what’s going on with the server? That’s because there’s a whole bunch of lore that we’ve written and thought up – and we’re currently in the process of writing it all down so that you can all read it. The synapsis will (hopefully) be created into lore videos akin to what SWTOR did prior to SWTOR’s release.
Why the lore, you may ask? Well, it’s simple, really. We have felt the MMO aspect of Minecraft has yet to reach its full potential – and we want to be the ones to do it. The top server to play on has nothing on it but one thing – a questing plug-in. We’re doing more than just that. We are giving questing, in-game money, mail, shops, housing, transportation systems, AND creative ability to build and explore our world that we’ve created. It’s more than just Minecraft, it’s Amalos.
There will be a bigger post or two explaining all of this as things come out and make sense to us. This project is so much larger than when we first dreamt it up back in October. We hope you enjoy all the content we produce, and we appreciate all the support and excitement we’re getting.
As a last resort bomb to drop, here’s this: On Saturday, May 7th, at 8am PST (11 EST) we will be having another Beta test of the server. This one is an all open testing as you can go around and do whatever. Build whatever. Most of the infrastructure of the game is in there, and working (to our knowledge). Anything you do will be available again when the server is launched – so come join us!
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