Atomic Wonder Woman to Drop Bombs in Infinite Crisis (Video)

Wondering which unique version of your favorite Infinite Crisis super person would be added to the MOBA’s roster next? Wonder now more, Atomic Wonder Woman is here! Turbine Entertainment has designed the chainsaw of justice wielding Wonder Woman as a melee assassin. The heroine is part of the fight to help restore the calamity of World War III.

Atomic Wonder Woman increasing her powers by revving up her law bringing chainsaw. Heavy on timing to optimize her play, players testing Atomic Wonder Woman can expect a rather high learning curve.

Infinite Crisis does remain in its closed beta testing phase as it tinkers with itemization, balance and map, like the new Coast City. Earlier this month, Turbine unleashed the closed beta on the lucky few with invites allowing 24/7 access instead of specific time frames. To top it off Founder’s packages became available enabling instant access to the game for those with cash to spare.

Hit the jump for all the destructive force Atomic Wonder Woman has to offer.