A game that was once at the top of my Most Anticipated list today announced it will be shutting down its servers on September 26th. It’s always a sad day when a game that had so much potential closes down.
While I can’t exactly say I enjoyed the game very much; way too grindy, average PvP at best and being a theme-park, I can say that it really did have huge potential if someone at Gamania or Reakktor had the balls to make it into a sandbox game. Really all they needed to do was copy Eve Online and with their fast-paced action-combat system, it would have no doubt been a winner.
Who know’s, maybe someone else will pick it up in the future and re-tool it into something worth playing. Here’s to hoping.
That really sucks. I loved the game and recently started playing it again.
This is a shame …. it had so much potential, It looked good, the ships handled well, the combat system was nice It just needed more to it.
Please someone pick this back up and make it what it should have been.
Don´t worry fans, we have three great games incoming . elite dangerous , no man’s sky and star citizen.
Elite Dangerous is a scam. Do not buy. Waste of money.