Blizzard Details Top 200 US Players, Divisions For StarCraft 2

Blizzard has released a list of the top 200 players on the US servers on the official StarCraft 2 blog. The rankings seem to be by points. The company plans to release an updated list every couple of weeks, and eventually implement a system to have the top tier of players have a more comprehensive and competitive league system than the current implementation. Blizzard intends to introduce a “pro league” as well as tournament features and more in the future.

The current system works great for non-pro players, but players that are the number 1 player in their diamond league may or may not rank among the top players. Some divisions seem to be “stacked” with multiple top tier players. Diamond Medivac Alamo and Diamond Medic Mu have many, many players in the top 200.

Here are the top 50, click-through to Blizzard for the complete list.

Top Players

Rank Race Character Name
1 Protoss HuK
2 Protoss TTOne
3 Terran qxc
4 Terran ajtls
5 Protoss KiWiKaKi
6 Zerg IdrA
7 Zerg SLush
7 Terran SeleCT
9 Terran Neans
10 Terran Silver
11 Protoss Antimage
11 Terran Android
13 Terran drewbie
14 Protoss iNcontroL
15 Protoss Kurtz
16 Protoss Agh
16 Zerg Sheth
18 Protoss Katari
19 Terran Moo
20 Protoss SUGGY
20 Terran Darkshines
22 Terran Stalife
23 Zerg Zelniq
24 Zerg Rigid
25 Protoss IefNaij
25 Terran DeAtHRoW
27 Zerg StrifeCro
28 Protoss ReSpOnSe
29 Terran Hincram
30 Protoss Copperhead
30 Terran sikatrix
32 Terran aznwiseguy
32 Terran LzGaMeR
34 Protoss Levin
35 Protoss Taurent
35 Terran ThisIsJimmy
37 Terran REBUKED
37 Zerg ostojiy
39 Protoss iNkA
40 Terran Trump
41 Terran Blendio
42 Terran HasHe
43 Zerg Billy
44 Terran hyungbean
45 Zerg Monkey
46 Protoss Tozar
47 Zerg CatZ
48 Zerg Bubba
49 Random dayvie
50 Zerg Dhalism


In addition, here is an unofficial list of the top 10 US diamond league divisions:

  1. Division: Medivac Alamo: Total Points: 58,315, Top Player: HuK
  2. Division: Medic Mu: Total Points: 50,543, Top Player: TTOne
  3. Division: Observer Mars: Total Points: 46,836, Top Player: qxc
  4. Division: Scout Kilo: Total Points: 46,110, Top Player: dayvie
  5. Division: Halcyon November: Total Points: 45,601, Top Player: Broski
  6. Division: Argo Echo: Total Points: 45,378, Top Player: SUGGY
  7. Division: Infestor Pepper: Total Points: 45,143, Top Player: Trump
  8. Division: Void Ray Tau: Total Points: 43,975, Top Player: Zelica
  9. Division: Raven Chi: Total Points: 43,404, Top Player: Hawk
  10. Division: Lurker Sigma: Total Points: 41,391, Top Player: Fistdantilus