F2P Friday: Marvel Heroes Story Time

lh_marvel_heroes_f2p_friday_Xaviers_School_for_Gifted_YoungstersF2P Friday is our weekly showcase of the growing free-to-play market, from MMORPGs to first-person shooters and beyond.The stream team will feature the latest, greatest and just plain fun games that cost you nothing to play. Ever. Granted, you should throw the developer a bone if you enjoy a title, but you don’t have to.

I am by no means a dedicated comic book lore junkie. Certainly not a novice. The fact of the matter is that the lore around video games took hold of my interest somewhere in the mid 90s. Partially due to my town losing its only source of sporadic comic books. In my high school years I returned to the far flung worlds of Marvel and rekindled my interest. Large sums of money and a cavalcade of graphic novels later my knowledge is justifiably labeled as “nerd,” “geek” or “dork” by laymans. All of which I wear as a sign of pride.

You may be thinking “why watch the stream if he’s a comic newb.” Funny you should ponder that. I’ve three very good reasons. One: a Mr. Ryan Collins, the community manager and diehard comic book nerd, will be sitting in chat ready to answer any questions you (or I) have regarding Marvel Heroes and Marvel in general. Two: Developer Gazillion Entertainment has provided us with 100 Random Hero Box codes. That’s right, we’ll be giving away some serious loot! Three: There’s me.

Maybe that’s actually a drawback…

At least I’ll enjoy getting past Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. I hope. Be sure to subscribe tothe channel for all our streams, giveaways and shenanigans. Hit the jump for the livestream, which is scheduled to kick off at 1:00 PM EST.

Watch live video from LoreHound on Twitch