In our last installment we shared information on how to get your fresh-faced level 85 in to the heroic scene. After a full month of grinding rep, collecting crafting mats, soaking up enchanting resources and wiping like a maniac, you’re probably readying yourself for the next evolution — raiding. Or you need to catch your breath. Either way, we’ve got some easy-to-use reading material that’s right up your alley.
Unlike heroics, raiding doesn’t actually require a specific iLvl avg to enter — a fact that your guild master probably hates. Either way, Blizzard designed Cataclysm’s heroics to prepare you for raiding in every fashion. Not only do you learn actual skills (is moving out of the fire a skill?) during heroic encounters, but you shouldn’t need a fancy set of epics to begin raiding in Cataclysm. A mix of the below gear and heroic-ready gear is more than enough to get most raid groups past the early encounters in The Bastion of Twilight, Blackwing Descent and Baradin Hold.
Just a reminder:
Discipline: Intellect > Spirit > Haste = Critical = Mastery
Holy: Spirit > Intellect > Mastery = Haste = Critical
Rule of thumb: If it’s a cloth item and it is lacking Spirit, it’s for DPS spellcasters. Trinkets and rings would be the only exceptions. Don’t roll for it unless you’re desperate, it’s okay with the other caster(s) or you’re a total jerk (you know who you are, Cataclysmo).
Hit the jump for the full run down.
The astute readers will notice that this is a copy pasta (+1 observation cookie to you). It’s not laziness, we promise. We were just so thorough, so perceptive, so all-seeing that we included all the faction rewards in the previous post because they are easily obtainable.
- Baradin’s Wardens (Alliance): Shimmering Morningstar (Revered), Mandala of Stirring Patterns (Exalted)
- Dragonmaw Clan (Horde): Nothing
- Guardians of Hyjal: Cloak of the Dryads (Honored), Arcanum of Hyjal (Revered), Cord of Raven Queen (Exalted)
- Hellscream’s Reach (Horde): Shimmering Morningstar (Revered), Mandala of Stirring Patterns (Exalted)
- Ramkahen: Ammunae’s Blessing (Honored)
- The Earthen Ring: Pendant of Elemental Balance (Honored)
- Therazane: Lesser Inscription of Charged Lodestone (Honored), Greater Inscription of Charged Lodestone (Exalted)
- Wildhammer Clan (Alliance): Nothing
Now that you’ve finally made it in to the heroic dungeons, you best become familiar with which dungeon can bequeath you the most loot. Basically, you’re returning for the heroic versions of the normal gear. More pasta.
- Blackrock Caverns: Beauty’s Silken Ribbon (Waist), Kibble (Finger), Kyrstel Mantle (Shoulder), Quicksilver Amulet (Neck), Torturer’s Mercy (Mace), Torturer’s Mercy (Trinket)
- Deadmines: Corsair’s Overshirt (Back), Daughter’s Hands (Hands), Cookie’s Stirring Rod (Wand), Emberstone Staff (Two-Hand), Armbands of Exiled Architects (Wrist)
- Grim Batol: Azureborne Cloak (Back), Gale of Shadows (Trinket), Wand of Untainted Power (Wand), Crimsonborne Bracers (Wrist)
- Halls of Origination: Solar Wind Cloak (Back), Anraphet’s Regalia (Chest), Hekatic Slippers (Feet), Band of Life Energy (Finger), Scepter of Power (Main Hand), Blood of Isiset (Trinket), Soul Releaser (Two Hand)
- Lost City of the Tol’vir: Veneficial Band (Finger), Evelyn’s Belt(Waist)
- Shadowfang Keep: Springvale’s Cloak (Back), Robes of Arugal (Chest), Boots of Lingering Sorrow (Feet), Blinders of the Follower (Head), Pendant of the Keep (Neck), Mantle of Loss (Shoulder), Staff of Isolation (Staff), Baron Ashbury’s Cuffs (Wrist)
- Stonecore: Rose Quartz Band (Finger), Dolomite Adorned Gloves (Hands), Prophet’s Scepter (Off-hand), Tear of Blood (Trinket), Tendrils of Burrowing Dark (Trinket)
- Throne of the Tides: Aurelian Mitre (Head), Bioluminescent Lamp (Off-hand), Mnemiopsis Gloves (Hands), Pipefish Cord (Neck), Sea Star (Trinket)
- Vortex Pinnacle: Ring of Frozen Rain (Finger), Leggings of Iridescent Clouds (Legs), Amulet of Tender Breath (Neck)
By this point in your cataclysmic career Justice points are old and busted. You’re on to much bigger and more epically named forms of currency, Valor Points. If you’re at the point that you can begin purchasing Valor gear, then consider yourself ready for raiding. Hmm, lemme rephrase that: Consider your gear ready for raiding.
- Back: Heavenly Breeze (1,250)
- Chest: Mercurial Robes (2,200)
- Feet: Slippers of Moving Waters (1,650)
- Finger: Band of Secret Names, Twined Band of Flowers (1,250)
- Hands: Mercurial Handwraps (1,650)
- Legs: Mercurial Legwraps (2,200)
- Trinket: Core of Ripeness, Soul Casket
YOU are not prepared (/sunglasses).