Instance Gratification 7: Marvel Heroes Gets its Just Desserts (Giveaway)

My day was ruined when I found out this famous cobra didn't make the patch...
My day was ruined when I found out this famous cobra didn’t make the patch…

Instance Gratification is the return of one of our premiere video outings. Originally featuring the cast of founder bloggers thrashing World of Warcraft dungeons and viewer runs of Dungeon & Dragons Online, the reinvigorated column heads to the realm of the Twitch channel. Come join us every Wednesday for dungeon dives, solo attempts and general loot hoarding in your favorite games.

An amazing chat was had between myself and Ryan Collins, aka Ryolnir, of Gazillion Entertainment. The community manager of Marvel Heroes 2014 and I geeked out over a parade of topics during our in-house livestream interview. It was just the introduction of Rogue or the Bronx Zoo to the dungeon crawling action combat title, but the latest movies, upcoming storyarcs for Marvel and Marvel Heroes and a ton more. Two old, nerdy souls just having at it answering questions and taking queues off the audience really.

No wonder why I’ve such an insatiable itch to get back on my Black Panther character and return to spamming Fan of Knives and rolling around picking up vast swaths of loot. Seeing as I get to select what I play for the Lore Hound Twitch that is exactly what is going to happen in this week’s episode of Instance Gratification. Thank heavens for semi autonomy!

Be sure to subscribe to the channel for all our streams, giveaways and general shenanigans. Hit the jump for the livestream. The show will kick off around 1:00 PM EST and continue until one of my boosters runs out. See you there!

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