Instance Gratification 8: Focusing on the end of Naxxramas (Giveaway)

lh_instance_gratification_kelthuzad_naxxramas_hearthstoneInstance Gratification is the return of one of our premiere video outings. Originally featuring the cast of founder bloggers thrashing World of Warcraft dungeons and viewer runs of Dungeon & Dragons Online, the reinvigorated column heads to the realm of the Twitch channel. Come join us every Wednesday for dungeon dives, solo attempts and general loot hoarding in your favorite games.

Be it Comcast, my lack of skill, technical problems or bad luck (skill?), I’ve yet to defeat the Curse of Naxxramas. This isn’t to say that I’m awful at Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. In fact, I’ve been playing plenty outside of the stream. I’ve relegated that activity to trying my hand at Rank play for the simple fact that I want to down Kel’Thuzzad on the air. The odd hour segment on F2P Friday or Instance Gratification hasn’t proven enough forcing my hand to dedicate today entirely to Hearthstone.

No matter how long this takes Kel’Thuzzad will be a broken heap on the floor  – probably with Mr. Bigglesworth at his side – as I insert a new card into my deck and notch another dead boss on my belt. The second time* for this particular one. Hopefully, I’ll be able to defeat KT in a quick and exciting fashion allowing me to run through the remaining Class Challenges. They’ve been enjoyable so far.

Be sure to subscribe to the channel for all our streams, giveaways and general shenanigans. Hit the jump for the livestream. The show will kick off around 3:00 PM EST and continue until I finally finish this the first Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Adventure! See you there!
Watch live video from LoreHound on

*Actually, that’d be the third time if we’re counting Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne.