iTZKooPA Rambles is a column dedicated to the shelled one talking about Internet, gaming or nerd culture. Extensions include anything he feels relevant to those microcosms. Oh, he also loves expressing his opinion, so that’s kinda why this column exists too. Sorry about that.
You may or may not have heard that Google Reader, the slick little web app that made RSS a thing, closed down earlier this month. The Big G gave users plenty of notice that it was shutting down, but that didn’t help everyone. Myself included. Rather than search for an alternative at the announcement or the weeks in between I waited until the last minute.
Darnit, Mrs. Holdt! Fine, I waited until after Google Reader was closed to investigate alternatives. Not long, just a few days. *dodges* A week. A full, seven-day week. *rubs knuckles* It was more pain than I am feeling currently. I promise. *barrelroll* I…uhh…express!
Bloody knuckles aside, the retirement of Google Reader completely modified the way I obtain, absorb and can easily express news to friends. I, unlike many, attempt to embrace change as a potential benefit, but have had a heck of a time adjusting to Feedly. It’s more complicated. It automates features I wouldn’t expect and hides ones that surprise. It doesn’t suggest much, delivering only what one requests. It’s a slicker presentation, with numerous options, yet less forgiving.
For the moment, I’m enjoying the changes and the adventure of finding new blogs, news sources and comics to add to the queue. I’ve always subscribed – eh?! – to the notion that the more you read the better writer you become. Hopefully the 200+ sources for my accounts hold some credibility to that notion.
The incorporeal yet painful representation of Mrs. Holdt doubts it.