Lore Hound LivePlay: Pre-Cataclysm Elemental Invasion

STREAM OVER: No elementals were found, oddly enough. But I did a few good laps of Northrend and some wonderful conversation was had by those involved. Look for more LivePlays in the future, hopefully with less… spontenaiety.

Alright Lore Hounds. This is a bit of a test, but I figured this would be a good enough time to try it out. I’ll be attempting to score the Tripping the Rifts achievement tonight, by completing the second phase of the pre-Cataclysm world event, the Elemental Invasion. Feel free to participate, add comments, chat, whatever. Especially if something is wrong with the stream. I’ll try to keep the throat-clearing to a minimum.

Watch live streaming video from lorehound at livestream.com


  1. Meh. It worked. If it entertained at least one person, mission accomplished.

    Perhaps getting the hang of these things, we can do them more regularly.

  2. I found one. There slow on the spawn rate right now, but blizz said longer into the event they’ll increase drastically.

  3. Yeah, I’m going to wait until later in the event to attempt it again. As Mordil and Baru can attest, I spent more than an hour circling Northrend with zero luck. Even waited for the turn of the hour, and still nothing.

    I kind of want to do a Minecraft LivePlay next, though. You can watch me having my pants scared off by Creepers.

  4. Remember, this is phase 1 of the event, of four or something, and i am not sure if the elementals are even supposed to be out yet

  5. Small update. Just got the achievement.

    The trick is to simply span your search over Several zones. If your lucky you’ll find an active one. Make sure to make a checklist of where they are (there’s a list of where they currently spawn on the forum) so keep an eye out and get lucky. Took me about 3 hour’s total.

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