MOBA Monday: An Infinite Crisis Giveaway Before it Goes Away


MOBA Monday is a weekly showcase of how to perform, eh, let’s go with adequately – we hope – in a massive online battle arena. The streaming squad features the hottest, upcoming or most interesting titles of their and the communities fancy for a few rounds of PvP shenanigans in our weekly Twitch channel staple.

In mid May hot on the heels of PAX East, we did a MOBA Monday to celebrate the recent launch of Infinite Crisis, a MOBA from Turbine Entertainment that we’ve covered since it was announced years earlier. During the show and its associated post I discussed some gripes I had with the title. They were mostly minor, UI issues, concerns with team comp and the flow of gameplay, but after the about face the summer before the general gameplay seemed to have come together. Even Cardell Kerr, the title’s creative director, acknowledged and agreed with that major issue. Fast forward a scant few weeks later and we’re not only a few weeks away from the DC Universe inspired MOBAs ultimate shutdown.

We rarely enjoy adding a title to our dedicated game closing column. It’s even more sorrowful when we’ve spent so much time interviewing the team and enjoying the title ourselves. Perhaps we’ll have a chance to discuss what went wrong with Turbine. Or, perhaps, what didn’t go right. Maybe it was the drum we’ve been beating for some years now, that the MOBA market is the new MMOG; everyone’s jumping on the bandwagon and only a few heavy hitters can ride it.

That being said, until that Another One Bites the Dust post goes live in August we hope you’ll enjoy the title for what it is. And we’ve got a few Silver Champion Pack codes left to deal out before the unfortunate date.

All this and more shall begin around 9:00 PM EST. Hit the jump or head directly to the channel page to watch live. We’ll be giving away a god and recolor skin during the SMITE portion of the stream. Don’t forget to follow for all the updates and giveaway opportunities.

Watch live video from LoreHound on Twitch