MOBA Monday: Smitten with Smoting in SMITE (Giveaway)

lh_moba_monday_smite_gods_giveawayMOBA Monday is a weekly showcase of how to perform, eh, let’s go with adequately – we hope – in a multiplayer online battle arena. The streaming squad features the hottest, upcoming or most interesting titles of their and the communities fancy for a few rounds of PvP shenanigans in our weekly Twitch channel staple.

Aphrodite and Cupid are no longer be spreading romance across the universe of SMITE. That’s fine, I’ve been smitten with the MOBA for quite some time. That’s why we’ll be returning to the god-based MOBA for tonight’s episode despite the fact that I played a solid amount this weekend. I mean, I wasn’t going to let a heart-shaped icon past me by simply because I didn’t win one game in a weekend!

The odds are strong that I’ll once again be forced into a support role, which goes well most of the time. Granted, the team composition my force my hand into playing a particular god I am not familiar with. Or, of course, there can always be crucial disconnects and such to interfere. At any rate, you guys should really be cheering for that occurrence, because I’ll be giving away some god and recolor unlock codes. That’s right, there is a solid chance that a plural amount of codes will be given away during tonight’s episode of MOBA Monday!

Don’t forget that all Lore Hound Twitch shows have been moved to their new time at 7:00 PM EST. We still have the same great line up, the same shenanigans and the same daily dose of awesome. Hit the jump or head directly to the channel page to watch live. Don’t forget to follow for all the updates and giveaway opportunities.
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