Blizzard has settled the battle between Lazard Capital Markets and Brean Murray, Carrett & Company. As nearly all players of MMOG expected, Blizzard pushed a large amount of Mists of Pandaria units through its digital distribution platform, enabling MoP to approach but not surpass the success of Cataclysm. Mist of Pandaria sold a healthy 2.7 million copies in its first week of availability.
The title launched in many regions on September 25, but not one of the most important, China. That launch happened a week later, on October 2. The number clearly backs Brean Murray, Carrett & Company’s expectations that MoP is doing just fine. In fact, Blizzard stated that subscriber numbers passed 10 million players, again, another expectation of Brean Murray. Neither of these numbers factor in China’s release.
Bottom line, doomsday is far off. Everything is fine. Move along. Nothing to see here. Well, except the egg on the collective faces of Lazard Capital Markets.