PAX Prime 2014: Nosgoth Returns to the Kain’s Legacy in PvP Combat (Video)

highres_screenshot_00029_1401361893Are you a gamer that’s old enough, or interested enough in the past, to remember Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain, a action-adventure title that kicked off back in 1996? In the original title, players took the role of Kain, a vampire set upon avenging his death that begins to accept and feel empowered by his new found abilities. Set in a dark fantasy setting and employing top quality writing and voice acting for the fledgling PlayStation, the title launched a critically acclaimed franchise that spanned multiple platforms and generations.

These generations aren’t simply gaming generations. There are hundreds of years in the world that was left without a hero. It’s in these times that Nosgoth, an upcoming F2P multiplayer action game from Pssyonix, is firmly nestled. Sans hero, the world of Nosgoth is torn between the armies of vampires and the ranks of humans. The humans players take hold of don’t cower in fear, they fight back with their own impressive arsenal in this multiplayer-only title.

Not a MOBA, not your typical third-person shooter, Eric Majka of Pssyonix – who is freakishly tall – had no issues explaining the core tenants of the upcoming title. Currently in closed beta, Majka details the highly asymmetrical combat, how balancing such unique abilities and skills is possible, the current world of Nosgoth and much more in the below interview.

Oh, and we’ve some closed beta keys to boot. Be sure to follow our Twitch channel as F2P Friday is a perfect venue for the free-to-play third-person action title.



  1. Looks like you had a great time at the convention!By the way. Zombies are so over. Like 2009 over. :p 2012 is the years of the niajns! Have you seen them there? No, because that’s how elite niajns are! Thanks for sharing the pics. Do you see anything at all with that huge helmet covering your eyes? LOL

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