PAX Prime: Vainglory Keeps Rolling, Introduces Unique Hero Skye

lh_Skye_paxprime_vaingloryWe’ve caught up with Super Evil Megacorp a few times. Always a pleasant chat with those folks. Shortly ahead of PAX Prime 2015 the developer of Vainglory, the industry’s first great harcore mobile MOBA, announced the details behind Skye. The new hero blends a few abilities from your typical archetypes to create a unique kit that’ll require quite a bit of practice to execute with repeated success. She features a healthy mix of artillery support with incredible bursts of mobility. That bit of “bursts of mobility” is what makes her balanced. It’s unlikely she’ll get away from danger, unless she kills it.

Vainglory is the current League of Legends of mobile MOBAs, but the market leader is always in fear of disruption. Spacetimes Studios is right on its heels, hoping to release the eSports-ready Call of Champions to take a chunk of the Vainglory market. Super Evil Megacorp isn’t resting on its laurels. Patch v1.8 includes Skye in all her uniqueness and lore and numerous quality of life fixes and features. Weeks earlier gave us the reveal of Vainglory Seasons, the expected addition of an eSports league that kicks off in October. A few months earlier, the company released its anticipated Android client.

Wonder if the Rona players out there have figured out the revamp. What am I talking about, of course they have. Learn more from executive director Kristen Segerstrale. If only I could figure out how to stream Vainglory on MOBA Monday.