RaiderZ Showcases ‘Broken Mast’ Starting Zone in New Trailer

The monster hunting MMORPG coming from Perfect World Entertainment is looking tastier by the day. If consistently fighting unique boss battles isn’t up your alley, then steer clear of this one. Today, the RaiderZ team launched a new video series introducing prospective players – that’d be all of you – to the various areas of Rendel.

Broken Mast is just a small island of the RaiderZ landscape and acts as the game’s starting zone for all players. The seaside zone is home to pirates, sea creatures and wretched beasts. Senior Producer Mark Hill promises a handful of reveals from next weekend’s PAX Prime, and we’ll be there to cover it for you.

“Later this August, we’re also looking forward to showing off more new content at PAX Prime, including new maps, more epic boss encounters, and a closer look at the game’s Transformation System, which lets players channel their inner beast to take on the form of Rendel’s most deadly creatures,” said Senior Producer Mark Hill.

Until then, hit the cut for the first zone introduction for Broken Mast and a new round of screenshots.