Spellbook Entertainment “Scraps Lore” and Adopts Factions & Races Into Amalos – A Minecraft MMO

As of today, Spellbook Entertainment decided to drop the lore aspect behind Amalos – A Minecraft MMO, stating the reason “we have been listening avidly to player feedback, and decided players no longer care about lore”.

They also went ahead and announced the new Factions and playable Races in Amalos, including Creeper, Skeleton, Valkyrie, Human, and Zombie.

Here’s the official statement from Spellbook:

Reno, NV. April 1st, 2013. Spellbook Entertainment announced today that Amalos – A Minecraft MMO is getting a major design change and is scraping the story aspect of the game.

CEO Nathan “Mordil” Harris makes the following comments: “We’ve been in development for almost two years now, and during that time we’ve worked effortlessly with the community to provide the best experience possible with them. After a week of player feedback – we’ve decided to make this change based on that negative feedback provided”

The community for Amalos – A Minecraft MMO consists of one player: Wandorf. These changes are based on his feedback, and we appreciate his continual support of Amalos – A Minecraft MMO.

The two factions to be added are: Alliance of Hostile Mobs and the Federation of Amalos.

To see the different features each race has, click the “Continue Reading” button.


Valkyries are available to the Federation of Amalos players, and the special racials of this race is the ability to fly, and the ability to instantly kill any player they look at.


Humans are only available to the Federation of Amalos players, and the racial ability they get is greater resistance to environmental elements, such as cold.


Creepers are available to the Alliance of Hostile Mobs players, and they have the ability to destroy any structure in-game; including server structures.


Zombies are available to the Alliance of Hostile Mobs players, and they have the ability to convert Human’s into the Zombie race upon killing them. Human’s cannot return to Human state and must play as a Zombie in the Alliance of Hostile Mobs.


Skeletons are available to players that play the Alliance of Hostile Mobs faction, and are immune to all damage except crushing (which isn’t implemented yet into the game – they’re planning for crushing to be added by the first expansion).

I hope these changes make you all as excited as I am – I hated the lore in Amalos – A Minecraft MMO

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