Star Trek Online Gateway System Brings Game Mobile, Kinda

Cryptic Studios has just announced that Star Trek Online will be leading the MMOG sector in innovation. The company is currently working on a the STO Gateway system (working title), which will enable players to access crucial game information from outside the PC client. Accessible from your standard desktop, smartphone or tablet, at launch the Gateway system will enable games to get a look character details, ship and officer statuses, all equipped items and account achievements.

Perhaps more important than the initial announcement is the disclosure that this is the beta client. Cryptic Studios has been working on the feature for months and explains that there are “more features and functionality to come.”

The beta version of the Gateway system will launch as part of the Season 7 content update. There’s no timeline for updates, but after the jump you can read my initial impressions and see stills of the current incarnation.Nice to see an MMOG company starting to fully understand that just because we leave the game client, doesn’t mean we’re done playing. Free or not, only the near-death Fallen Earth has ever made a good out-of-game experience to date.