Steam Welcomes DarkFall Unholy Wars, First Subscription-based MMORPG to Service

Hardcore MMO gamers never had too much of a reason to check out Valve’s Steam digital distribution service for their cup of tea. Sure, there has always been gems on the platform but never of the massive multiplayer variety. Last year, that all changed with the introduction of free-to-play titles from the likes of Sega, Perfect World Entertainment, Hi-Rez Studios and more. Now another watershed moment is upon us. Valve and Adventurine announced that the subscription-based relaunch of Darkfall is now available on Steam.

Rebranded as Darkfall Unholy Wars, the new title sees the sandbox PvP-based MMORPG reaching an all new audience courtesy of the platform. The twitch-heavy title was passed the Steam Greenlight litmus test in under 24 hours thanks to its focus on rewarding skill and strategy during its real-time fights.

Darkfall Unholy Wars is available on Steam for $39.95 with a $14.95 auto renewal every 30 days. Time to start farming those 78 Steam Achievements.

Seriously, Steam backing subscription-based MMOGs with all the Steam fixings, like Achievements, is potentially the only way this industry could suck more time out of my productive life.


  1. Arghh cant decide – shall I, shant I, shall I, shan’t I. Was a bit disappointed with the quality of 1.0 at launch – although probably should have given it a bit more time before giving up on it.

    £30 +£12 monthly sub is quite steep for a punt —- but it sounds so promising.

    The main things that turned me off in 1.0 were the controls were a bit clunky and the graphics a very raw — have they improved a lot with this incarnation? I usually get frowned at when I talk about graphics quality and get told gameplay is more important than looks — but these days – and for this price – I am more in the mindset of we should be getting both.

  2. @xaras Dammit – forgot these posts don’t let you but a space between your paragraphs anymore. Any chance of fixing this? It used to.

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