Yesterday’s surprise International Talk Like a Pirate Day celebration inside TERA was just to be the first of many ‘Flash events’, according to producer Chris Hager. The man with the plan starts off the discussion by reveling in the success of the Argon Queen update, which marked the start of this new direction; more events with more variety.
Over the next three months, En Masse will be running new events that fall into three categories, personal, TERA-wide and seasonal events. Seasonal events are the most obvious, as canonized Halloween celebrations in MMOGs have become a staple to most players. TERA-wide events will focus on particular groups of players, likely large groups like casual or hardcore players and allow En Masse to play with drop rates, battleground points and other enticing offers.
The final offering is perhaps the most interesting, small-scale ‘personal’ events. Exemplified by yesterday’s event, these events will largely be organized by GMs on the spot and include more trivia, scavenger hunts, triathlon races and other short and sweet activities.
Of course, all of these event will offer prizes for the winners, if not outright incentives to participate. As for content, Hager didn’t detail much new material. Instead falling back on the promised berserker patch, general needed and requested tweaks, upcoming additions to the achievement system and another Argon Queen-sized content patch.