After a hard year’s work it’s only fair to receive a little bonus, rest and relaxation, right? I hope you agree because we here at Lore Hound have decided to throw the bonus your way. All month we will be giving away an insane amount of prizes that we’ve collected over the year. The codes you’ll see on our Twitter, Facebook and Google+ pages will cover the gauntlet of games. We’re talking MMORPG, MOBA, F2P, subscription, FPS, the works. And this is simply in addition to our everyday giveaway love that’s provided on our right panel.
I’ll be honest. It’s not all out of the goodness of our hearts. Many of us have various functions we need to attend to. Others have children to watch. Some are roaming across the country in an automobile. That last one will be me. You can take part in the “extravagance” on my personal Twitter or my Instagram. I can’t guarantee that those accounts won’t be full of cats. But hey, at least she’s named after an X-men.
Now, don’t mistake this as “December is going to be a post void.” Oh, no, we shant leave your mind unattended. New, current, and returning writers will continue pushing out the goods and I’ll be doing my best to get items online during my expedition, including the promised lore interview with WildStar creative director Chad Moore. Unfortunately, the LoreCation will cause a ruckus on our Twitch channel.