It’s official, Funcom’s latest MMORPG, The Secret World, no longer requires players to pay a subscription fee. The company revealed a three tier business model for the conspiracy laden title that has captivated many, but not enough to subscribe to. Now players can participate in some of the most unique and engrossing storylines to hit the MMOG world for the cost of the title alone.
TSW has adopted a modified Guild Wars approach, with the only barrier to entry being the purchase of the game itself. Pay Once, Play Forever is the “free” membership tier, while member and grand master levels are also available. Members are you typical subscribers, only they’ll now be given special bonuses, including XP buffs, 1,200 bonus points each month and a 10% discount to the in-game store.
“What are the restrictions for ‘free’ players?” you ask? Well, currently, not much. All players maintain access to the game as it is today, and Issue #5, coming in January, will be free as well. Moving forward, Funcom will be releasing free and paid-for DLC packages.
The Pay Once, Play Forever trailer is after the cut. If you still have questions, head over to the official FAQ on the matter.