The Spirits of Gaming is where Lorehound staff get together and unwind. We will be choosing a game where a good amount of shenanigans can be found. We will then pair one or many alcoholic beverages with the chosen game to partake in whilst commencing said shenanigans. All around it should be a good time, feel free to stop in on our twitch where we will be streaming live!
This month we will be delving into the deep, thought provoking and theoretical world of rocket-powered soccer (football to those Europeans reading). Rocket League makes you sit back and contemplate the more deeper meanings of life as you watch your vehicle shoot fire out of its ass propelling your over large soccer ball into the undefended net. As you sit back and watch the ball ever so slowly cross the line in the instant replay one cannot help but think, “Was that fates hand guiding me? Or have I finally figured out how to play this game?” For most of Lorehound’s staff, we will be thanking the former.
As usual we will be having a pairing to go along with the game. Last session got a touch crazy with the cocktails that our staff had to make for themselves as they switched characters. Which is also why I played McCree. And only McCree. Therefore, this session we will be having one single pairing Rocket League is a homegrown brew, not one of the giants so we will be choosing a not so subtle ‘Rocket Fuel’ from 8th Wonder Brewery.
TSoG is by no way associated with 8th Wonder Brewery, we receive no monetary gain from the mention or link thereof of their product, the only gain we do receive is getting wickedly drunk and having a blast crashing into other rocket powered cars, cause let’s be honest here who actually aims for the soccer balls?
Psyonix has a hit with this game. A megahit. It is altogether too much fun. I do hope you join our stream this Saturday, September 24 at 9:00 pm EST. Cheers!