Just because I know a good portion of our audience followed us from our previous digs, I know a lot of you also probably watch or would watch the Totally Rad Show. Some of you may even be members of the Totally Rad Guild along with our own Mr. Juggynaut. Personally, I’m an occasional watcher, and was totally pulled in by today’s episode.
Below, you can watch for yourself as hosts Alex Albrecht, Jeff Cannata and Dan Trachtenberg take on WoW: Cataclysm and talk through their experiences with the new content. It may not be anything super new or unexpected for those of us here who also play, but nevertheless I find it interesting to see their takes on coming back to the game after a break from playing. And if you’re not a WoW player, take a look and see what you think!
Topics covered include: questing, starting zones, the grind to level 80, the dungeon finder, dungeon difficulty and the clarity of the game’s overall direction. Includes a couple of spoilers, so beware if you haven’t gotten through the new zones yet.
The grind to level 85*
I was actually talking about Dan’s (attempted) grind from 1-80 before the xpac hit :). But yeah, now 85 ^_^
My mistake then.
They had to rip open the wound that is Project Lore… Man, that used to be such a great show… :(