Slow as molasses or melting glass, but the long-in-production Warcraft movie keeps chugging along. Duncan Jones joined the project early this year. Then we received our first real taste to the movie over the summer courtesy of San Diego Comic Con. The trailer was simplistic, featuring a human about to defend himself from an axe-wielding orc.
Polygon picked up on a Production Weekly report that claims Legendary Pictures has selected its venue for to set up shop and begin filming. The Canadian Motion Picture Park in Vancouver will be home to the production starting January 13, 2014.
The saga continues. At least we’re getting closer and closer to determining which characters will be the focus, the timeline or the plot. Or so the millions of World of Warcraft fans hope.
They better hurry up. The rate that WoW is losing subscribers, there may not be a MMO called WoW when this thing shows up in theatres.
Lol bro Idk why you did this. Maybe for digital sport, or a claglenhe. But its the same as every other cat., you probably would be better off slaying it and putting up the blue drop on the AH
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