The official Warcraft Twitter account has confirmed two new cast members for the upcoming Warcraft film before the names even hit the rumor mill. That very well may be due to the fact that the two confirmed actos don’t wield the same star power as Farrell or Fimmel. But who cares, more Warcraft film news means we’re that much closer to the Duncan Jones epic that’s to reach back into the annuls of the venerable franchise.
The first of the two is better known for his voiceover work, especially as Mr. Krabs of Spongebob fame, and roles in Star Wars Clone Wars and Jackie Chan Adventures, than his live-action performances. However, it doesn’t mean that Clancy Brown is unskilled. The actor has a familiar face to anyone that watch Shawshank Redemption, Carnivale and Highlander. That should be everyone.
Daniel Wu is lesser known to American audiences, but has a put in quite a bit of work in China. Wu has over 60 films under his belt, including directing and producing credits. I haven’t seen any of his work so it might be time to scroll through his filmography page and see what Netflix may have available.
The unnamed Warcraft film is set to begin shooting in January 2013 and is expected to be released in December 2015.