PAX Prime: Call of Champions Compresses Competition

lh_Call-of-Champions_paxprimeWhenever we add a new title to the MOBA Monday rotation there’s one question that immediately comes up, “How long is a match?” It’s guaranteed, and having obviously played whatever game is being streamed, an easy answer. That doesn’t make it any less important. Players were originally conditioned to expect 40+ minute matches. That’s been on a precipitous decline as developers introduce new game modes and new titles look to diversify themselves by being more accessible.

Spacetime Studios is of the later. Dramatically. The former mobile MMOG specialist is bringing its incredible 15 million dollar technology stack to the world of the MOBA genre. But that enables the company to get a leg up, leveraging technology already created and perfected for a new title. That doesn’t necessarily diversify you game. Spacetime Studios is designing Call of Champions the way we consume mobile games. While waiting for our friends at the bar. Killing time on the train to work or the bus to school. Ignoring our parents – kids, you aren’t the only people that do this – or simply procrastinating for a few minutes.

Yeah, less than ten minutes. In fact, you’ll see an entire match spliced into our interview.