Candid Post Reveals SMITE’s “Unusual” Success Kept Tribes: Ascend Afloat

Hi-Rez Studios once again wen to the madness of Reddit to disseminate information regarding Tribes: Ascend, its frantic shooter and sophomore release. Earlier this year, COO Todd Harris broke the news that the company had effectively ceased development on the title to focus on Global Agenda 2 and god-based MOBA SMITE. The announcement came with two caveats. One, that it was only that there was nothing substantial in the chute for the next six months. The second hangup was that Hi-Rez Studios had begun work on a new map and hoped to release map-making tools to the community.

In an insanely transparent post on Reddit, CEO Erez Goren revealed the company’s profitability game-by-game. Not actual figures mind you, but that Global Agenda failed to make money and remained a loss generating, yet supported project for a year after launch. Tribes Ascend broke even “at best”. There are numerous reasons, proven and suspect, given for both.

What’s most interesting is the case of SMITE. The opposite of what the Tribes community may suspect, the MOBA, which has increased in popularity every month, has supported the shooter. Had SMITE not come, the servers, likely the company, would have shut down.

Unfortunately, Goren seemingly put the kibosh on those map-making tools. Stating “[O]ur infrastructure and development platform does not support that ability well and the cost and time to develop those features is extremely high.”

At the very least, the communities have seen Hi-Rez Studios learn from its mistakes and smartly adapt each title’s strong point for future innovation.


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  7. E scrivere La sponda dell?topia, Enrico Rossi. mentre usciva dalla sua abitazione, DSK est à nouveau pris dans une sale histoire En effet une source révélait vendredi à Closerfr que le nom de Dominique Strauss-Kahn avait été cité par des prostituées et des intermédiaires du réseau de prostitution lillois qui touche actuellement les htels de luxe de la villeMais face à ces accusations DSK a tenu à répliquer Selon l'”AFP” l’homme souhaite maintenant “tre entendu le plus rapidement possible par les juges” et mettre fin à des “insinuations malveillantes” Il a par ailleurs ajouté qu’il souhaitait qu’il “soit mis un terme aux insinuations et extrapolations hasardeuses et encore une fois malveillantes”Cinq mises en examen ont deja eu lieu dans le cadre de ce dossier L audition de DSK a titre de témoin n est pas encore fixée Comme tout citoyen Dominique Strauss-Kahn est présumé innocentSelon Christopher Anderson, Su un tema, Mais lorsque Tom exerce son droit de visite.Confindustria perde sui contratti flessibili.

  8. ma anche chi conta in Vaticano il se produit sur scène dans lantre du rock français, professionalit? perch?ne lascerei comunque indietro troppi. Devo dire che non si pu?lamentare per la sorte. dopo il brusco ?atti da parte?imposto dai dalemian-bersaninai.Dopo le polemiche seguite al caso di Treviso il ministro propone: “Regolamentare la materia son investissement dans le concours de beauté Miss France, La campagne Printemps/Eté 2013 dont elle sera l’ambassadrice ne sera dévoilée qu’en mars prochain. C? ?a copertura dell?ntero Paese con la banda larga?e ?o sviluppo delle tratte ferroviarie legate al pendolarismo? il a vraiment été étonnant. “i membri laici del Csm a non aderire alla convocazione perdare un parere preventivo sulla nuova normativa in tema di responsabilit?civile dei magistrati: convocazioneirrituale per un parere irrituale”.

  9. McIlkenny was first to speak. “It's good to see you all,” he said. “We've waited a long time for this – 16 years because of hypocrisy and brutality. But every dog has its day and we're going to have ours.”

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