F2P Friday: A New Challenger Enters

lh_f2p_friday_shaktaji_hearthstone_challengerF2P Friday is our weekly showcase of the growing free-to-play market, from MMORPGs to first-person shooters and beyond. The stream team will feature the latest, greatest and just plain fun games that cost you nothing to play. Ever. Granted, you should throw the developer a bone if you enjoy a title, but you don’t have to.

Ages ago you were introduced to Shaktaji by way of a recent stream. In that endless torrent of banter she weighed in on the matches, but more importantly on the value of the various cards I was earning. It was quite a lot of information considering I had over 60 packs to open up. Having not seen many of the upper tier cards before the information was invaluable. Heck, the simple fact of having a second brain is a valuable commodity when devising tactics and strategy. Let alone the fact that she’s very much a casually hardcore Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft player.

Case in point, I didn’t realize that Blade Fury was aided by spell damage. Sure, I knew the graphic changed when an Azure Drake, for example, was out, but the text wasn’t altered like every other spell card. I assumed that the card had the graphical highlight when a +Spell Damage was played simply because it was a spell. I was wrong. Shaktaji wasted a Blade Fury in a ranked game to prove her point.

I really think she wanted me to eat that crow after all those Legendaries I opened in front of her.

Now you’ll get to absorb her knowledge too as she flies solo in this week’s edition of F2P Friday. Pour a glass of wine, mix a gin and tonic or crack open a beer as you chat with the rest of the community while your host experiments with new decks, tackles parts of Blackrock Mountain that she hasn’t finished yet, quickly spends any gold earned and fights her way to 2,000 wins!

Be sure to subscribe to the channel for all our streams, giveaways and shenanigans. Hit the jump for the livestream, which is scheduled to kick off around 7:00 PM EST.

Watch live video from LoreHound on Twitch