F2P Friday is our weekly showcase of the growing free-to-play market, from MMORPGs to first-person shooters and beyond. The stream team will feature the latest, greatest and just plain fun games that cost you nothing to play. Ever. Granted, you should throw the developer a bone if you enjoy a title, but you don’t have to.
I’m generally an excitable person. I don’t really know why. The topic doesn’t even matter. I could be, say, reading a piece on the evolution of statistics. A wild assortment of topics grasp my interest. I’m sure there’s some psychological reason. Something to do with being a middle child and needing attention maybe? I don’t know, but it’s who I am. The other core tenant of my personality is that I’m a loud person. Always a loud person. Why does this matter to you, a dear Lore Hound? Simple, I’m playing Brawlhalla again tonight. Those two personality traits will mix into a super saturation emotional state tonight.
Let’s set expectations. We’ll be heading back into the frantic brawler for some free-for-all battle. I’ll lose a good amount. I’ll win some here and there. I’ll scream. I’ll miss throws. I’ll get some lucky hits and clutch dodges. I’ll scream. I’ll try new characters. I’ll work on honing my skills with some old favorites. I’ll attempt my first Ranked 1v1 matches. I’ll scream. I’ll give away some beta codes and if we get there, maybe even our last Diesel Orlon skin code.
Be sure to subscribe to the channel for all our streams, giveaways and shenanigans. Hit the jump for the livestream, which is scheduled to kick off around 7:00 PM EST.
Watch live video from LoreHound on Twitch