It is fundamental that any matchmaking system be balanced to perfection in order for both new and experienced individual players to enjoy the competitive landscape. The focus today is on Heroes of the Storm, the upcoming MOBA from Blizzard Entertainment. Based upon its popularity and ingenuity, the matchmaking system has received mixed reactions from players necessitating changes to be made, fast. After all, the title leaves open beta testing and enters the realm of launch on June 2, 2015. Have no idea about what Heroes of the Storm is all about? Take a moment to understand how you’ll be paired against foes before proceeding further.
Last week, we analyzed what issues Blizzard has tackled and will need to continue to address. This week we’re focusing on the gotchas of most matchmaking systems. That is how will Blizzard’s first MOBA handle pre-mades and solo queuers?
Important Note
There will also be drastic changes in regards to the six-minute rule where players had to wait. The fact that matchmaking system requires 6 minutes to match up players is inapplicable because of the overwhelming number of new players. This has necessitated that more minutes be added to the waiting period, so that a better match is found. In other words, it will take longer as the search goes on until all is considered, including the skill level of players.
The issue of solo players participating in matches against pre-made parties was also of great concern. Blizzard stated that the matchmaking system is able to look at all of the available variables for the game. In a nut shell, the system looks at the composition of the team. Thus, the solo players should not worry. In fact, it’s rare that any deviation will occur as experience is a core element when deciding the type of game. In most cases, a queue of individual solo players will always be matched with a similarly experienced queue of solo players. Always a plus for those considering solo plays in Heroes of the Storm.
Last but not least, players have repeatedly brought up the lack of a surrender option. This was a conscious decision by Blizzard. The designers felt that push and pull of a team attempting to surrender, or straight up trolling, degraded gameplay. Put frankly, Blizzard is on the stance that this is a competitive game. You chose to play it, so see the match through to the end.
Overall, these improvements on the matchmaking system in Heroes of The Storm are aimed at an improved gaming experience. If you have been thinking about a competitive, entertaining, accessible and engaging game, this is definitely a good choice. In the future, there will be more changes as the number of servers are increased. As a matter of fact, the matchmaking system will play its purpose well, irrespective of whether you are an experienced or new player.
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