F2P Friday: Marvel Heroes Community Play & Giveaway

lh_f2p_friday_marvel_heroes_zergidF2P Friday is our weekly showcase of the growing free-to-play market, from MMORPGs to first-person shooters and beyond. The stream team will feature the latest, greatest and just plain fun games that cost you nothing to play. Ever. Granted, you should throw the developer a bone if you enjoy a title, but you don’t have to.

After a short hiatus to deal with the double dose of the new Penny Arcade Expo 2015 season we’re back for F2P Friday. We’re not limping back into this. Not by any means. We want you, yes, the person reading this to join in on the festivities. To facilitate such a potential public livestream disasters we’re privileged to have access to an upcoming feature from the new gaming social media app known as ZergID. Head on over to the site if you’re not familiar with it yet, but the basic idea is it’ll allow gamers to reconnect and return to our social ways. Especially great for facilitating and reconnecting to guildies from games past.

What game shall be ushering in such a dramatic return to Friday streaming? None other than our favorite (bribable) community that keeps the lights on at Gazillion Entertainment. Yeah, that’s right, I’ll be tackling the final story areas of Marvel Heroes and giving away Random Hero Box codes during the event. Be sure to sign up for the Public Event over on ZergID, friend me in game (iTZKooPA, of course) and be prepared for me to have no ideas what’s going on!

I’ll be the guy throwing knives at anything that moves.

Be sure to subscribe tothe channel for all our streams, giveaways and shenanigans. Hit the jump for the livestream, which is scheduled to kick off around 7:00 PM EST.
Watch live video from LoreHound on www.twitch.tv