Final Reminder – Lore Hound Pound: Global Agenda Developer Halloween Event Today At 6:30 PM EST

Off to shoot stuff in the face with the devs!

Developer-led community events were all the rage once. Back when MMOG players walked uphill both ways, in the snow. That is to say, a long, long time ago. When your community is twelve million strong, or spread across multiple realms, it becomes impossible to treat a community as an individual. Realm events still occur, although World of Warcraft‘s zombie invasion and Gates of Ahn’Qiraj have meet with mixed reactions. Today’s real developer-led community events take place inside more niche titles. Often those with single-shards or a shared server system.

The latest, and certainly greatest, is taking place inside Global Agenda and being brought to you by none other than! On October 28, 2010 (that’s just a few days away!), starting at 6:30 PM EST we’ll begin rounding up and educating those that wish to partake in the festivities. Basic game details and information, including class info and specializations, will be detailed for half an hour for all players joining via the Free Trial. At 7:00 PM EST the real fun begins with a unique introduction powered by the glorious dev tools. From there, players will play shoulder-to-shoulder with devs across the open wasteland and instanced dungeons.

I’ll be online well before the 6:30 kick off. You can find me under iTZKooPA (F3 is the hotkey to access the friends menu). Amatera will be in attendance, as well as the rookie play of Juggynaut, who signed up for the game just for this event! Come give him something to point his healing gun at! Massively is hosting an event at the same time, so there should be plenty to do (kill).

Naturally, treats will be plenty. Be sure to attend! After all, the free trial means you have no excuse not to! Unless you’re not on a Windows machine…


  1. Thanks guys, for putting up with my complete lack of tanking skills. Was fun though, even if the Devs were being a pain. :(

    gotta do stuff like this more often :)

  2. No problem, it was nice to have you! Hopefully things will come together more easily next time, whether it’s something we host ourselves or not.

  3. Global Agenda has a 30% discount this week, but the great thing is you can use the 30% off codes when ordering so you will get the game for around 14$ !. Coupons are only valid when used towards purchases made on the official Global Agenda Store.

    So don’t miss the chance to get the game really cheap! (this week)



  4. Code update:

    Use one of the codes to get Global Agenda only this week for 14$


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