Instance Gratification 3: NeverStar and Wildwinter (Livestream)

lh_instance_gratification_wildstar_neverwinter_SabotageInstance Gratification is the return of one of our premiere video outings. Originally featuring the cast of founder bloggers thrashing World of Warcraft dungeons and viewer runs of Dungeon & Dragons Online, the reinvigorated column heads to the realm of the Twitch channel. Come join us every Wednesday for dungeon dives, solo attempts and general loot hoarding in your favorite games.

It’s not simply a return for the column. In addition to the resurrection of one of our most popular series the third episode by our official statisticians will dive back into Neverwinter. The action-oriented MMORPG from Cryptic Studios was featured as part of the column shortly after its release. Thanks to the troubles I’ve had in WildStar I’ve returned to the Forgotten Realms. The upcoming release of Tyranny of Dragons certainly helps. Who doesn’t want to play an evil warlock?

Speaking of WildStar, now that Solidsagart has safely been beamed back into existence through much trial and tribulation I’ve decided to return to the Nexus. Returning to it exactly where I left off that is. Yeah, that means my healer has been ignored entirely since shortly after my most anticipated MMORPG of recent times was released. I’m not exactly sure what I’ll be doing in WildStar, I doubt the Ultra Strain or Sabotage content patches will impact my low level play. Expect plenty of leveling and hopefully a dungeon run.

Be sure to subscribe to the channel for all our streams, giveaways and general shenanigans. Hit the jump for the livestream, which will be replaced later with the recorded edition of the show. The show will kick off around 2:00 PM and continue at least until the 4:00 PM hour on the east coast. See you there!

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