Gazillion Entertainment is opening the doors to additional players for its ongoing closed beta testing of Marvel Heroes. The dungeon crawler RPG will be playable starting this Friday, April 26 at 8:00 PM EST. The servers will close up shop early Monday morning at 2:59 AM. Additional closed beta invites went out last night and into this morning, so check those inboxes.
The developer is requesting all players with a key be active during this week’s session. Marvel Heroes is rapidly approaching its June 4 full release and Gazillion wants to do all the bug smashing and implementing of community requests well in advance.
In addition to general gameplay, Gazillion will be providing players with in-game currency to engage in cash shop purchases. The company likely wants to deduce the most desired items and how the reception to the recent monetary change to Heroes and Costumes. Again. As gamers might expect, the cash, and all other progress, will be subject to a full wipe.
Le sigh.
Didn’t get a key? Grab a Founders pack to ensure beta access.