NYCC 2013: The Implications of the Unique Gameplay in WildStar (Video)

Lore Hound has been following WildStar for some time obtaining every bit of information we can on the upcoming MMORPG. Sure, the game is still ages away, way, way out there in spring 2014, but developer Carbine Studios has never let it slip the minds of the greater gaming community. A large part of this is due to the WildStar Wednesday devblogs. Ultimately, it’s because the game design, gameplay elements and humor are so darn appealing.

That’s why we jumped at the chance to speak to a team member at New York Comic Con. The development crew at large is busy wrapping up major systems work to relaunch the beta forcing Senior Community Manager David Bass into latrine duty.

Below the cut you’ll be entertained with an animated discussion about the most recent Wednesday news dumps, an excited chat about the unique handling of crowd control and that pesky launch data being in the distance.