When Rejected the #SaveCOH Campaign Looks for Another

The #SaveCOH campaign has received much press, and not just from the likes of Lore Hound and other gaming blogs. The effort to save the superhero MMORPG City of Heroes from closure has attracted mainstream media, best selling authors and thousands of followers. Yet, NCSoft has stonewalled all positive momentum, going so far as to ignore requests for information. Resolve unshaken, the group has turned its sights towards finding a new suitor, Disney.

The group continues to make a strong case for continuing the MMORPG and why it’d be a good fit in Disney Interactive’s stable of titles.

Best selling author Mercedes Lackey, who helped to draft the pitch to Disney, stated “We believe that Disney and City of Heroes are a perfect match; Disney now owns Marvel and two impending Marvel MMOs which are slated to be mirror opposites of the cooperative, community gameplay fostered by City of Heroes.

“In addition, Disney has the reach to effortlessly give City of Heroes the exposure it never had under NCSoft’s regime of benign neglect–and City of Heroes will provide Disney with some extremely unique cross-marketing opportunities.  Disney has always understood and fostered community and loyalty–something NCSoft never did.”

Many will point out that there are two Marvel universe MMOGs in development, the already-launched and kid friendly Marvel Super Hero Squad Online and the upcoming Diablo-style title Marvel Heroes. City of Heroes, while ironically sued by Marvel in the past, would fit the core MMORPG bill. (Editor) Let’s not forget about the Asia-only Marvel MOBA.

City of Heroes is scheduled to go offline this Friday, November 30 at 11:59 PM PST. There’s little chance of stopping that now, but an 11th hour effort may be able to resurrect the game at a later date.

In one of our lengthiest posts ever, the full press release is presented after the cut.

27 November 2012


A group of gamers battling to save their online world from destruction have reached out to Disney® for help.

Four members of the Save City of Heroes® campaign, with the support of other key individuals have contacted Disney Interactive®, asking for their help in collaborating with NCsoft® to save their beloved game from oblivion.

NCsoft, who currently own the franchise, announced on August 30 they were pulling the plug on the long-running MMO, with the game scheduled to be closed on November 30. In the process of shutting down the game, NCsoft laid off the 80-strong staff at Paragon Studios, based in Mountain View, California.

The announcement caught nearly everyone by surprise, as the game had still been operating successfully and with ongoing development, including an expansion in open beta stages. It was also one of the quietest MMO shutdown announcements, as it was not sent to investors, press, company’s news section or even the game’s own support staff.

Almost immediately, a massive online campaign was launched that saw the residents of Paragon City, the Rogue Isles and Praetoria send letters, masks and capes to NCsoft in a bid to get them to work with the players to find a way to keep the online game running. An online petition calling on NCsoft to keep City of Heroes running has attracted over 21,000 signatures.

The closure of the #1 superhero online game of all time, which generated over $180 million in revenue, was home to over 100,000 players and 43 million avatars, was still in full development at the time that NCsoft announced they were ‘pulling the plug’. It still had one of the top customer retention rates in the industry – no small feat for a game eight years old with seemingly no advertising budget.

A unity rally held in September saw thousands of players log into show their support for the game, and the developers.  A fundraising effort to take all 80 staff of Paragon Studios out for dinner hit its target in just three hours.

But the fans’ pleas have been met with a blunt ‘no comment’ from NCsoft, who refused to discuss the reason behind the game’s closure, or the attempts they claim to have made to keep it open.

NCsoft’s wall of silence around the closure has resulted in Starburst Magazine®, the UK’s longest running science-fiction and gaming magazine calling on its readers to boycott the game publisher “until such time that they start to treat their customers with decency, honesty, and most of all – respect.”

Author Mercedes Lackey, who helped to draft the pitch to Disney, said:
“We believe that Disney and City of Heroes are a perfect match; Disney now owns Marvel and two impending Marvel MMOs which are slated to be mirror opposites of the cooperative, community gameplay fostered by City of Heroes.  

By reviving City of Heroes, Disney will be able to satisfy the gaming desires of every player of MMORPGs.  

In addition, Disney has the reach to effortlessly give City of Heroes the exposure it never had under NCSoft’s regime of benign neglect–and City of Heroes will provide Disney with some extremely unique cross-marketing opportunities.  

Disney has always understood and fostered community and loyalty–something NCSoft never did.  

We believe that acquiring City of Heroes will provide Disney Interactive with the logical extension of their games for kids and teens, offering a game that literally the whole family can play.”

One of the players, Tihomir Kadic, was also a part of the group who put the pitch together added: “It’s easy to throw words like ‘unique’ and ‘irreplaceable’ around, especially now that online gaming is entering an explosion, but as any City of Heroes player will openly say, calling it that would be, if anything, an understatement.

Not only because of the myriad ways a player could be, in every sense of the word, an individual, not for the expansive options for play, not for the immensely open and welcoming community, or maybe not even the confluence of these and countless other things.

Perhaps the most irreplaceable thing about it was – is – how many rules of MMOs it broke. How many expectations it turned on its head.

In a genre where it’s common to keep the players chasing the carrot by constantly moving the stick away, it’s almost inconceivable for a MMO to try – and succeed – to keep its players simply by letting them have fun, on their time and most importantly, on their terms.

To borrow an adage, it is a game where shared joy is increased – and there is a lot of it to go around.”

Another player, and an Internet Marketing Specialist, Ammon Johns, who has also been involved in the project said: “The business case for acquiring City of Heroes is easy to make.  

It is the most successful and profitable superhero themed MMO ever.  More than that, it still has untapped potential – it is a game that was woefully short of any commitment to marketing, and in my professional opinion, was terribly mismanaged by NCsoft.  

Investors have been critical of NCsoft’s poor handling of international business, and City of Heroes is almost a perfect example of the justification of such.

“By contrast, Disney is a paragon of a company that is truly in-touch with the global market, and indeed the family market.

One knows that Disney could make a huge success of the game, and make it a key component in their reach across the modern media of family entertainment.

“I’ve dealt with a huge range of Internet based businesses over the many years of my career, and I’ve rarely seen a better all-round opportunity than City of Heroes presents.

If I only had a few spare millions I’d have been sorely tempted not to share it with Disney at all, and go for it myself.”

Members of the Save City of Heroes campaign are expected to support the plea with a letter writing campaign, due to begin any day now.

For more information, or images, please contact (laurenoneill@journalist.com).

Editors notes:

“City of Heroes” was the first MMORPG based not only on superheroes, but heavily on comic books, pre-dating Sony Online “DC Universe Online” by nearly 7 years. The free downloadable updates for the game were known as “Issues,” with actual titles that added new content to the popular MMO. The upcoming issue 24, was titled “Resurgence.”

Paid expansions included “City of Villains” in 2005 and “City of Heroes: Going Rogue” in 2010. The lore and backstory of the game was so popular that there were many tie-in projects in other media, including novels, a collectible card game and — not surprisingly — a comic book series from publishers Blue King and Top Cow.

“City of Heroes” had over 120,000 subscribers in the US and Europe as of September 2008 and added a free-to-play subscription model in October of 2011.

It has six entries in the Guinness Book of Records – First superhero based MMO, first ‘evil’ MMO expansion, first MMO to use adaptive difficulty and the first MMO to use a mentoring system. In the 2012 Gamer’s Edition, it was in the top ten list of MMOs based on subscribed users (and was the only non-fantasy style game on the list) and holds the record for the most free content updates ever.

Of all of the MMOs that have been closed down, NCsoft are now responsible for cancelling a third of them – Auto Assault, Exteel, Dungeon Runners, Linage 1 (US/EU), Tabula Rasa and now City of Heroes. To date, it has actively opposed any third party attempts to purchase the intellectual property rights of any of its closed-down games.

Since the announcement that their game was to close, City of Heroes players raised over $8,000 for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospital as part of the Extra Life charity event in October. The fourth annual Real World Hero charity drive is currently underway and players have already raised over $3,000 for charities including Operation Gratitude and Heifer International. In its four-year history, Real World Hero has raised $29,276.47

For more information on the Save City of Heroes Campaign, visit http://www.savecoh.com/.

For further reading, a spread sheet of all media coverage of the Save City of Heroes campaign can be found at: http://tinyurl.com/8hhn5xv

Starburst Magazine’s call to Boycott NCsoft can be found at: http://www.starburstmagazine.com/editorial/3869-boycott-ncsoft



  1. Thank you for covering this. You know, we are not the only fangroup to try to resurrect our passion — merely, perhaps, the most audacious. But remember the successes, long after people declared the franchise was dead. BRowncoats. Trekkies. Galacticans. Stargaters. And that most British and most-resurrected franchise of all — Dr. Who. Speaking of which, if you see a reflection of yourself in our cause, please do not hesitate to write letters to Disney, explaining why, long after the nay-sayers declared something dead, it rose from the ashes. Please, we can use your help.

  2. Thanks for covering this campaign. We really love our City and would love to continue playing there for many years to come.

  3. Thank you so much for the article. We appriciate any and all coverage we get while trying to save our game. Even though the game will be going dark tomorrow night the fight is not over for many of us by a long shot.

    If Disney were to come and save our game, I would have an even deeper respect for them than I already have. I have 2 kids who watch a lot of the Disney shows and my husband and I love the cartoon “Tron” that is on their Disney XD channel, but if they were to save our game they would not only be saving and restoring an amazing community, they would now own a remarkable game that will not just reach kids but parents and grandparents too. This is such an amazing community that is so family friendly. And if City of Heroes actually got an advertisment budget, can you imagin the amount of new players we could get? This game is amazing. I have tried a LOT of games out there but I always stayed with CoH. I almost never let my subscription laps unless I was just in extreme dire straights for cash and I have been with this game since a week after it launched. I would pay for it for another 9 years if it stayed open. Thats a promise. Or more to an upgraded sucessor of the game if the Mouse wanted to upgrade it while keeping the old servers alive. Save CoH!!!!

  4. What a beautiful article! This game has become so special to my family. It is the only MMO my husband and I feel comfortable allowing our daughter to play, and it is the only game at all that we play together as a family. We have multiple accounts. I can’t imagine a better caretaker for our game than Disney. I hope Disney decides our game is as important as the media has!

  5. Thank you for bringing the news of our campaign to your readers.

    CoX – let’s not forget villains! – is truly unique with character creation and customization which is unequalled and unbeatable. The flexibility enables players to be imaginative and unique.

    CoX is a game which can be played simply by children, or by the most dedicated min/maxers and anyone in between.

    For an eight year old game, it is still graphically stunning.

    The mission story-writing are superb and unlike any other game, you really can be casual; there isn’t the boredom grind or the pay-to-win element.

    City of Heroes/Villains deserves to live. Thank you for your time.

    (five year vet of 2 accounts)

  6. Thanks for the article! I love playing City of Heroes. Along with being a super fun game with an amazingly friendly community, I was able to regularly connect with my best friend that lives hundreds of miles away. Shutting down City of Heroes makes no sense to me. I’m not satisfied with the alternatives. City of Heroes fills a niche that other MMOs can’t and don’t seem to want to. I want it back and I’m waiting to resubscribe.

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