RaiderZ Approaches Open Beta, Showcases End-game Content

The Open Beta phase of RaiderZ doesn’t truly open to all players until October 24, 2012, but early adopters gain access at 8:00 PM EST on October 22. That’d be today, just about 9 hours away! Assuming all goes well, I’ll be streaming my initial adventures of Rendel on LoreHound’s Twitch. Perfect World Entertainment isn’t let us go into the fray empty handed. The company has released yet another trailer, this time focusing on the high-end zone of Rietz.

The area of Rietz is home to the city of the same name, featuring lavish shops of all shapes and sizes. Home to the title’s social hub, the city is a sprawling area requiring all the norms of life, including sewers. Unlike the sewer alligator of legend, Rietz’ human waste disposal systems are home to otherworldly life. The devious monsters come in all shapes and sizes. Some ugly, fearsome and ferocious, others more akin to expectations of a top dweller such as yourself.

They all have loot. “Rietz offers something for everyone, including trouble.”

Hit the jump for the zone trailer and a selection of stills from Rietz.

The first 30 minutes is waiting for the server to come online. Skip ahead for character creation and the opening zone.