E3 2013: New Games Workshop Partner Unveils Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade

The fallout of THQ and the later intellectual property and licensing purchasing that went on left dozens of titles, multiple companies and countless employees hanging in the window. Dark Millennium, the long-awaited MMOG set in the dark sci-fi universe of Warhammer 40,000 was one such property. And the Warhammer MOBA, well, that was just the first big release to get axed from the fledgling genre.

Fear not, for Games Workshop and Behaviour Interactive have announced that a new Warhammer 40,000 property is in the works. Details remain scarce, but the title is to feature a persistent world with players roaming the lands in a third-person perspective. It’ll be heading to next-generation consoles and the PC. Just don’t hold your breath. The game isn’t scheduled to see the light of day until late 2015.

“I am thrilled to announce what will finally be the first MMORPG based on the Warhammer 40,000 license,” said Miguel Caron, Head of Studio, Online at Behaviour Interactive. “Eternal Crusade’s team are all MMO development veterans and with the support of Behaviour’s 20+ years of experience this is going to be the online Warhammer 40,000 universe game that fans have been dreaming of for years!”

In case you’re concerned with Behaviour. The company has over 150 games under its belt, from online to licensed IPs.


  1. Aos 14 anos fez sua primeira exibio pblica e vendeu seu primeiro quadro Organizao dos Estados Americanos. Embora encorajado por este sucesso precoce, as circunstncias modestas de sua vida o motivaram a estabelecer metas e a criar seu prprio futuro: “Na condio de criana pobre no Brasil, tive contato com o lado mais sombrio da humanidade. Como resultado, passei a pintar para trazer luz e cor para minha vida.”

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