Blizzard Entertainment Talks an Upcoming Beta

Yes, folks, the online trading card game unveiled at PAX East 2013 is rounding the corner to beta testing. Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft is focused on one-versus-one matches utilizing the matchmaking system. The beta is coming, but we’ve no exact date when you can begin battling and purchasing cards. Production director Jason Chayes described the playable beta as “not days away”, yet “not months away, either”.

Chayes is specifically speaking to the North American beta. Players in the EU, Korea and Taiwan will have to wait for their fully localised versions before they can tear into some of the three hundred cards based upon World of Warcraft.

The selected few will have the opportunity to not only help test the game, but get a leg up on spending money for Hearthstone. Anyone that does so will be given a “special token of appreciation,” the pictured golden Gelbin Mekkatorque. Golden Gelbin will only be available via card packs during open and closed beta testing, so get it while you can. Card packs can be earned by just participating in matches as well.


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